Contribution State Machine

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Revision as of 10:48, 5 August 2010 by Vreck (talk | contribs) (→‎States)

The picture below illustrates the various states that constitute the life cycle of a contribution.

Contribution State Machine

Under construction: still need describe all transitions, flags, and access rights...


The contribution details have been entered in the system, the file has not yet been uploaded.

Next logical step is to "Upload/Make Available" the contribution file. It is also possible to withdraw (cancel) the contribution at this stage.

Is is not possible to REVISE a contribution from the RESERVED state since the proposal has not yet been made available.

The contribution file is physically present on the server
The group has rejected the contribution AS A WHOLE, and does not want to discuss it any further. It is hence not possible to revise a rejected contribution.
note: ACCEPTED and REJECTED states are only applicable to contributions "For Decision"
The group has accepted the contribution AS IT IS, there is no need to improve/update it any further, it is ready for potential implementation. It is hence not possible to revise an accepted contribution.
note: ACCEPTED and REJECTED states are only applicable to contributions "For Decision"
IF the contribution is for information or for discussion (it does do not request the committee to take a decision) NOTED is the end-of-life status which means that the contribution has been handled by the committee, i.e. either discussed, presented, or sometimes just mentioned.
IF the contributions is for decision (it requests the committee to take a decision ), NOTED means that the committee has discussed the proposal without either accepting nor rejecting it. This usually means that the committee expects the contribution to be improved (i.e. revised ) prior to take a decision on it. It is hence possible to revise a contribution that is Noted.
A contribution is revised as soon as a revision has been reserved. The concept is that a revision improves/corrects/updates an existing proposal that therefore needs to be revised. Once a contribution is REVISED, it is no longer possible to take a decision on it (Accept, or Reject) since the decision will be taken on its revision.
The submitter of a contribution can decides to withdraw (cancel) his contribution as long as the contribution has not been handled by the committee. As soon as a contribution has been discussed (noted) or if a decision has been taken on it (Accepted, or Rejected) it is no longer possible to withdraw it.


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