Meeting Calendar 2018

From Help

Meeting Calendar view

The Meeting Calendar service allows you to view the meetings of your chosen ETSI Body and/or its Sub-Groups, according to the selection you have previously made (see Body Selector).

Furthermore, this service allows you to register / de-register for some of the meetings, contribute to a given meeting and search for a subset of meetings.

In the list of meetings, the cell options are displayed and enabled only when you are authorised to execute the corresponding action. Therefore, you must first login if you want to proceed with some of the actions.

The page is divided into 3 main parts:

  • The top part displays the list of meetings you have already registered to
  • The middle part displays the list of your selected meetings
  • The bottom part displays the full list of searched meetings  

In the full list of searched meetings, frequently-used search, filter and sort options are available by default.  

All meetings found are ordered by date. You can then sort the list by Date, Location or Working Groups.

Reset filter button resets all filtering criteria to their default value. This is convenient when you have changed several criteria in a row.


When you move the cursor over a cell of a given row, you can read some explanation about the cell content.  When you click on a cell, it either executes the corresponding action or opens the Detailed Meeting Information window.  

Note that some columns are hidden when the screen size gets smaller, and corresponding actions (if any) are moved under the ellipsis menu icon on the left.

The following information is displayed for each meeting in the list, either with a textual or iconic field:

  • +/- icon used to add a meeting in your selection or to remove it. This is useful when you want to select a bulk of meetings and perform a bulk registration.
  • Body (and Sub-Groups) the meeting is linked to.
  • Allowed types of presence (face to face, online) for the meeting
  • Meeting title / reference, with a “New/Cancelled” indication when the meeting has been recently created or cancelled
  • Start and end meeting dates, with mouse-over information on meeting start and end times.
  • Location (City and country) where the meeting is taking place. Set to Online when this an online meeting only.
  • Number of registered participants (face to face and online participants, when applicable) before the meeting starts, and number of actual participants after the meeting has started. You can view the list of participants when clicking on the icon
  • Number of contributions assigned to the meeting. You can view the list when clicking on the icon.
  • Icon to register to or de-register from the meeting  
  • An ellipsis icon to access more meeting options:
  • “Update my registration” to modify for instance your type of presence.
  • “Export to Calendar” to import the meeting details in your Calendar application
  • “Print my badge” when self-printing is enabled
  • “Host Details” to see how to get to the meeting location (when information is available).
  • Access to the Chat Room if it exists.
  • FTP access to the Group document repository.
  • Contribute to meeting (visible when the contribution period is open).
  • Indication whether you will receive notifications when a document is uploaded.
  • View the list of contributions.
  • Link to a meeting survey when it exists.
  • Administration options for meeting administrators.

Search for a Meeting from ETSI portal home page

On the ETSI portal home page, the Meeting Calendar show all meetings of all Bodies and their Sub-Groups scheduled over a given period. Meetings are sorted in ascending chronological order.

You perform first a search using the “Search” fields, then you can refine or order the obtained list using the “Filter by” and “Sort by” fields


Searching within a date range

By default, meetings are displayed for a period of one month.  It shows on-going meetings within the next month.

You can also choose a “6 months” or “1 year” period.  

With the “More options” button, you can change this period to a precise date range, using From and To fields.

  • Start/End date
  • Ical icon.png Link to add an iCalendar reminder
  • Meeting title / reference, clickable to access more details
  • Information icons for the meeting:
  • Newmeeting icon.png New meeting.
  • Meeting Cancelled.gif Meeting cancelled.
  • Meeting Modified.gif Meeting modified.
  • Meeting ContribList.png Link to list of contributions assigned to this meeting.
  • Number of contributions assigned to the meeting.
  • Meeting Contribute.png Link to contribute to this meeting (visible when the contribution period is open).
  • Link to register to this meeting, with information on the meeting type into brackets. The meeting may be “F2F” face-to-face, “Online” or both.
  • Participants icon.png or Phone icon.png: Link to the list of registered participants with number of registered participants in brackets.
  • City and country code where the meeting is taking place.

All meetings are ordered by date. The meeting calendar shows all the meetings taking place for the next two years for:

  • The whole of ETSI when displaying the Portal home page.
  • Your chosen Body after having selected an ETSI Body.

It includes meetings hosted at both the ETSI Secretariat and elsewhere.

The following action can be performed from the top banner of the meeting calendar portlet:

  • Link to create a new meeting.
  • Link to search/browse meetings using the advanced query.

These links will re-direct you to the meeting calendar standalone application. Please go to Meeting Calendar and Management HelpFiles to have more information.

Search/Navigation in the Meeting Calendar on the ETSI portal home page

On the ETSI home portal, the Meeting Calendar show by default meetings for a two year period; for example from 1st January 2013 until 1st February 2015. Meeting are grouped by Technical Body in an alphabetical order, and then listed by meeting date.

Meetingcalendar portalhomepage.png

Browsing with a Date

By default, meetings are displayed for a period of two years.

It is possible to enter a Start date in the following format YYYY-MM-DD or click on the Calendar icon.png to select the starting date and ending date of your query.

Click OK to validate the dates and refresh the portlet.

The meeting calendar will display meetings starting on or after this date.

All meetings are listed in alphabetical order by TB and by dates.

Search/Navigation in the Meeting Calendar on the TB page

On the ETSI home portal, the Meeting Calendar show by default meetings for a period of two years.

Meetings are grouped by Working Groups or Task Groups (if any) in an alphabetical order, and then listed by meeting date.

DECT and WGs MCportlet.png

Note: To view only meeting groups of a given Task Group /Working Group, select the TG/WG in the top banner of the ETSI portal.

Topbanner DECT.png

Browsing with a Date

By default, meetings are displayed for a period of two years. It is also possible to enter a Start date in the following format YYYY-MM-DD or click on the Calendar icon.png to select the starting date and ending date of your query.

Click OK to validate the dates and refresh the portlet.

The meeting calendar will display meetings starting on or after this date.

All meetings are listed in alphabetical order by TB and by dates.


The registration column contains:

  • In anonymous mode: a button to allow you to register for this meeting.
  • In logged-in mode: an indication whether you are registered to this meeting or not (i.e. Registered = you are registered, Not Registered = you are not registered).
    • Registered regblack.png: You are registered to the meeting, this meeting is now over.
    • Registered boldblue.png or Registered boldblueonline.png or Registered boldbluenoindication.png : You are registered to the meeting either for online or face-to-face participation. This meeting is current or in the future.
    • Notregistered regblack.png: You are not registered to this meeting. Registration for this meeting is not possible (the meeting is over, or registration is not open yet).
    • Notregistered boldred.png: Registration for this meeting is open.

You can register by clicking on “Not Registered” or cancel your registration by clicking on “Registered” and follow the instructions on the next screen.

To refresh the portlet, click on the refresh icon Refresh icon.png.