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How do I attach a contribution to a meeting?

You can contribute from the meeting details page, by clicking on the contribute link. By using this way, your contribution is automatically attached to the selected meeting. You can also create your contribution from the "Contribution application" and attach it to a meeting (optional), for further information on this second way of attaching a contribution to a meeting, please follow the instructions at the following location: Meetings Tab

How do I retrieve the list of contributions attached to a given meeting?

You have two ways of retrieving and synchronising the list of contributions attached to a meeting.

The first way is to go on ftp://portal.etsi.org/docbox, select the Technical body, then open the folder 05-CONTRIBUTIONS, select the year when your meeting is planned for.

At the top of this contributions repertory, you will find a temporary meeting folder called "TMP_MTG_YearOfMeeting_MonthOfMeeting_DayOfMeeting_MtgID". This temporary folder is automatically created by the system when a first contribution is attached to this meeting. You can use this folder which your usual synchronisation tool. Note: This folder contains clones of contributions and will disapear after the end of the meeting.

The second way of retrieving the list of contribution attached to a meeting is explained at the following location: Simple search for contributions attached to a meeting

How do I contribute a Work Item proposal at Working Group/Task Group level?

Should you have a proposal for work item to be handled at WG/TG level, you first need to propose it to the WG/TG and get the approval and in a second time you need to update and progress it to the TB.