Contribution State Machine

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Revision as of 10:06, 5 August 2010 by Vreck (talk | contribs)

The picture below illustrates the various states that constitute the life cycle of a contribution.

Contribution State Machine

Under construction: still need describe all states, transitions, and flags...


The contribution details have been entered in the system, the file has not yet been uploaded.

Next logical step is to "Upload/Make Available" the contribution file. It is also possible to withdraw (cancel) the contribution at this stage Is is not possible to REVISE a contribution from the RESERVED state, since the proposal has not yet been made available.

The contribution file is physically present on the server
The group has rejected the contribution AS A WHOLE, and does not plan to discuss it any further. It is hence not possible to revise a rejected contribution.

note: ACCEPTED and REJECTED states are only applicable to contributions "For Decision"

The group has accepted the contribution AS IT IS, there is not need to improve/update it, it is ready for potential implementation. It is hence not possible to revise an accepted contribution.

note: ACCEPTED and REJECTED states are only applicable to contributions "For Decision"



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