Contributions old
This section is for TB Officials (TB/WG/TG Chairmen) and TB support staff
Contribution application Check list: the 5 things to consider before a meeting
As the contribution numbering scheme has been updated in order to be meeting-oriented, several features inherited from meeting properties have been developed.
To manage the meeting settings, go to the meeting details page and click on the link: Meeting contributions settings.
The system opens a the meeting general properties window from which you will be able to perform the below listed 5 actions.
Select the source meeting and the meeting from which you intend to import contributions. The system will
Set a contribution period for a meeting by defining a reservation start date and end date.
The contribution period is used to define for each meeting the period during which reserving, uploading and allocating contributions to a meeting is allowed. Select a reservation start date and end date using the drop down menus. Please note that TB officials and support staff are the only persons allowed to contribute outside of this reservation period. You also have the possibility to use the additional feature Block upload outside reservation range (except Officials & TB Support) by ticking the box.
Late Contribution Threshold.
This feature gives the possibility to flag as Late any contribution reserved or uploaded after a defined Late Threshold date.
Flags are automatically calculated by the system. If a Chairman decides to update the Late Contribution Threshold date and that contributions have already been reserved for this meeting then the system will re-calculate all the flags for the existing contributions. TB Officials and Support staff have the right to manually update the value of the flag by clicking on the flag icon
- Red Flag: The contribution is late, If the TB official wish to turn off this Late indication, he will click on the flag to turn it to white flag (Forced not late)
- Green flag: The contribution has been put on time on the server
- White flag: The contribution flag has been forced to not late
Note: To update the value of a flag for a given contribution, go to the contribution details window and click on the EDIT button, click on the flag to change its value from Late to Forced not late
Meeting prefix
The contribution numbering scheme is constructed as indicated below:
TBName(YY)XXXZZZ --> <CommunityId>(YY)<MeetingPrefix><contribSeqNb>
Meeting Prefix: optional can be defined to reflect the Meeting reference. It is defined on a per TB and meeting basis. These 3 characters are alphanumeric and can be used by TBs to reflect the Meeting refernece in the contribuiton number.
Otherwise for the Comittees who wish to keep the yearly contributions numbering scheme, THEN this meeting prefix should be set to 000
ContribSeqNb: IF the Meeting Prefix is defined THEN starts at 1 until last contribution linked to this meeting is reserved and/or <ReservationEndDate> is reached
Block reservation
Contribution block reservation is a feature that allows to pre-reserve a range of contributions for a meeting by re-using and copying titles, sources... of existing contributions from previous meetings. This can be typically used when TB meetings have a recurring pattern for their first n contributions (invitation, agenda, IPR call, Status of WPM, WG reports...).
To open the block reserve contributions screen, click on the link Reserve a block of contributions
The system opens the block reserve screen:
Select the source meeting from which you wish to retrieve the contributions. The system imports all contributions title from this meeting in the FROM and TO drop down menus. Select from these menus the range of contributions you wish to import and click on the ADD button.
The system imports all the titles in the Block reservation Range grid. Use the two arrows on the right hand side of the grid to re-arrange their order. You can update the title by clicking on a row to edit the content and update it.
Use the red cross to delete an entry.
NOTE: you can add as many as contributions as you want. You can select contributions from one to many meetings in a row.
Warning: Contributions of type New Work Item and drafts cannot be imported in the block reservation grid.
In the above example, the contribution numbering starts at number 4 as it was indicated in the meeting settings details screen to start at that number. You can indicate such information by entering your data in the following field:
In case of joint meetings with TBa and TBb it is possible to contribute from both TBs, and hence the meeting will contain contributions from TBa and TBb. When importing contributions from past TBa meeting to the joint TBa and TBb meeting, the resulting block reserved contributions will have TBa identifiers and when importing contributions from past TBb meeting to the joint TBa-TBb meeting, the resulting block reserved contributions will have TBb identifiers.
Block reservation is not limited to the contribution reservation period, it can also be done before the meeting reservation period.
To validate the block reservation range, click on the Proceed to block reservation button
Export/Import Allocations
It is possible to export allocations from any past meeting in a text file and to import them in a future meeting.
Click on the link Manage allocations from the Meeting details page
In order to access the Contribution application you first need to be logged in to the ETSI portal (
You have two ways of accessing this application:
1st way:
- Select a Technical body/Working Group/Task Group. On this page you will see the Contributions portlet appearing. On the top of this portlet you see two links:
- New Contribution - to unfold the menu and choose the type of the contribution
- Full view - to access the contribution list in the application.
2nd way
- Go on the "Meeting Calendar" Portlet and select the meeting you wish to contribute to. The system displays the following meeting details page.
On this above screen you can:
- Create a New contribution
- View the contributions that have been attached to this meeting
- Access the docbox area of all contributions attached to this Technical Body
In the full list view of the contributions; statuses and UID are now displayed in different colours depending on their status: i.e. the reserved status is in blue, the accepted status in green and rejected status in red.
On the left side of the above screen, there is a new quick access panel divided in 3 parts:
- You can access your saved queries
- You can have direct access to contributions which have been linked to recent, on-going and future meetings
- You can also have direct access to contributions associated to any committees
This quick access panel can be collapsed by clicking on
You may also use the new search panel to retrieve a set of contributions. To use this search options click on the link show filter options on the up right side of the screen.
You can customize your search by providing data to the most common used filter options. Such as free text, selected community, Meeting, contribution type, status, contribution for...
You also have the possibility to perform your search using advanced filters options. To expand the search options click on the link More filter Options
Select one criterion and click on the button in order to move it from the "Available Criteria list" to the “Selected Criteria list”, repeat the action should you wish to add other criteria. To select all criteria at once click on
. When your selection is finished click on Search.
The system will now ask you to indicate the value for each criterion.
Note: The criterion value and the operator selection depend on the selected search criteria. It can be value selection from a list, value selection from input date fields (using calendar), or free text input.
To save your query and being able to retrieve your favourite ones each time you log in the portal click on the link Save query at the top of the screen, a pop up window will open asking you the name of your query, fill in the name of your query and click OK:
The custom query is saved and appears on the left part of the screen under "My queries".
Update a saved query:
To update a saved query, click on one of them under "Saved queries" and apply your changes, then click the link Save Query.
Default view
You may customize your own contribution list view format. To do so, click on the button [Default view] at the top right of the contribution list which displays the list predefined views.
Note: A view format is a selection of columns of the result grid. It also contains data about the column order, sort, grouping, and width.
When selecting the item "Edit view " from the menu as shown in print screen above, a pop-up opens which allows you to customize your preferred view by defining the columns you would like to see displayed in the result grid of contributions. You can also select the order in which the columns are displayed.
See figure below:
Should you wish to display all available columns then use the that will move all the items from the left to the right column. Should you wish to remove the selected items except "Contrib ID", "Title" and "Actions which are mandatory, then click on
Should you wish to select items one by one then select the wished item in the left part of the pop-up and use to move it to the right part. Should you wish to remove one item from the selected list then select this item and click on
To order your selected columns use the up and down button on the right of the pop-up screen.
IMPORTANT: Only logged users can reserve/upload contributions.
There are two places on the portal from which a user can reserve a contribution:
- From the Portal Contributions portlet by clicking on the link "New contribution"
- From the Contribution application itself by clicking on "New contribution"
Contributing a Meeting Agenda, a Meeting Report, a Change Request, a Liaison Statement, or an "Other contribution" type
The Contribution Creation screen opens on the General tab.
The General tab
Several attributes need to filled, these attributes will allow categorization and retrieval of contribution documents.
- Title: free text
- Source: When clicking on the "Change" button near the field "Source", a pop-up "Manage Source" opens (see figure below). 4 different types of Source are available:
- Organisations: a company allowed to contribute to the technical work of a committee
- ETSI committees: an active ETSI (sub-)Technical Body
- Roles: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Rapporteur, WG/TG Chairman, ETSI support
- Other: free text describing a role not matching one of the above categories
- Source: When clicking on the "Change" button near the field "Source", a pop-up "Manage Source" opens (see figure below). 4 different types of Source are available:
- Note: there can be more than one source for a contribution (example: company A, company B, and company C) yet all sources of a contribution have to be of the same type.
- Main Contact: Is set automatically to the submitter's name of the contribution this field can be enriched by an additional contact in the text field.
- Input for Committee: group to which the contribution will be submitted
- Contribution for: to inform the committee whether your contribution is for Decision, for Discussion, or Information
- In case your contribution is for decision you then have to describe the expected decision by filling in the "Decision/Action requested" box
- Meeting - Allocation:
You can assign a contribution to ONE meeting (and one allocation) by clicking on the "Change" button next to Meeting - Allocation. Contributions assigned to a meeting are then listed in the Meeting's Document list.
The system retrieves all recent, ongoing and future meetings for the related committee (including joint meetings).
There is also the possibility to attach your contribution to an allocation (if some exists). Those allocations could be for instance agenda items.
Selecting a meeting (and an allocation) in the list(s) will display further information in the grey box below. Once the correct selection is made, you can ssign the contribution to your selected meeting with the [Assign] button. The assignment will be effective after saving your contribution.
- Related WIs or deliverables: You can also attach your contribution to an existing Work Items or deliverable. click on the Change button
The system displays all the work items attached to the committee you contribute to, the text field allow you to filter the content of the box or to search for other ETSI work items. It is possible to select more than one work item. Select one Work item in the displayed list and click on the "Add" button, the selected work item appears on the left part of the pop-up with a red cross which allow you to remove it. then click on the "Done" button.
- Abstract: Free text summarizing the content of the contribution
You then have the possibility to link your contribution to a meeting.
The Related Contributions tab
You can also refer to one or several other contributions and link them to the contribution you are submitting.
- This feature can be used (for example) to place your contribution in the context of other ones, and help its understanding.
- This feature could also be used to point the attention of the reader to a contribution of another committee which you consider as for interest as well...
To do so, the selection mechanism is similar as for "Add related Work Item", except that instead of linking WIs you are linking other contributions.
Saving your contribution
Your contribution can now been saved.
Note: As soon as all the mandatory fields from the General Tab have been filled in, the contribution can be Saved(except for New WI proposals and New Drafts).
Once you click on the Save button, it will receive a Unique contribution Identifier (UID) and a new record will be added to the contribution database. Your contribution appears now with status RESERVED.
The next steps are:
- Download the Cover Page for your contribution with the "Get cover page" button: the system will PUSH a contribution template pre-filled with the information you have entered in the General Tab.
- Edit the contribution details and update
- Upload the final contribution with the "make available" button
You can Make available a contribution from the detailled view of the contribution (accessible from the portlet and from the full list view) by clicking on the "Upload/Make Available" button.
Or you can Upload a contribution from the full list view by clicking on the [upload] Icon on the line of the RESERVED contribution:
Revising a contribution
You can Revise a contribution from the detailled view of the contribution (accessible from the portlet and from the full list view) by clicking on the "Revise" button.
Or you can Revise a contribution from the full list view by clicking on the [Revise] Icon on the line of the AVAILABLE or NOTED contribution:
Contribute/Create a New Work Item Proposal=
To create a New Work Item (NWI) proposal, log in the ETSI portal with your EOL account and click on the Technical Body you intend to contribute to.
In the Contributions portlet, click on "New contribution" and select the type "New WI Proposal / Description" from the drop down list.
To create a NWI proposal, you first need to fill in the attributes from the general tab:
After having filled in the attributes from this tab, then click on "WI Details" tab.
This tab reflects the content of the New Work Item sheet you are used to utilize.
Fill in the following mandatory attributes in order to present the proposal to the community:
- ‘‘‘WI committee’’’
- ‘‘‘Deliverable’’’
- Select either a New Work Item or Revision of an Existing Work Item.
- ‘‘‘Formal Title 1 and 2’’’
- If it is a Revision, the system will retrieve most information from the ETSI Work Programme.
- ‘‘‘Scope of the work’’’
You can present your contribution to the chosen Committee with only those 4 fields filled in. Nevertheless you will need to inform the system about the other fields in order to be able to "accept" this Work Item.
In addition to the above listed fields, the following fields are mandatory to pass the Work Item proposal from the status "available" to "accepted":
- ‘‘‘Standard type’’’
- Choose in the drop down list from the six ETSI deliverable types: EN, TR, TS, EG, ES, GS
- ‘‘‘To be published as version’’’
- If it is a New Work Item, then by default, the version will be 1.1.1
- ‘‘‘Requested WI reference’’’
- The system will automatically attribute the next available number.
- ‘‘‘Rapporteur’’’
- Enter the name of the rapporteur, the system will propose matching results and complete the entry automatically.
- ‘‘‘Supporting Companies’’’
- A minimum of 4 supporting companies is requested. Click on the button “Add/Remove” and enter the name in the new window. Double click to select and add the company. The company’s details appear at the bottom. When done, click “Done” to save the selection and close the window.
- ‘‘‘Schedule’’’
- A NWI proposal needs at least the TB adoption, WG and TB approval dates in the schedule in order to be accepted.
- ‘‘‘Note: For deliverable type EN’’’, an extra line will appear. Select the Procedure, whether or not it is a Harmonized Standard and Mandate if applicable.
- ‘‘‘Keywords’’’
- To select the Keywords, click on “Add/Remove”. Search the keywords and add them with a double click. Click “Done” to save the selection and close the window.
‘‘‘IMPORANT NOTE: If this a Revision of an existing Work Item’’’, then you can enter the ETSI number (e.g. EN 383 001) or the reference of the Work Item to be revised (e.g. DEN/TISPAN-03008) and the system will retrieve all the information available from the Work Programme.
Example of a NWI revision:
Check your Work Item Proposal =
During the creation of the Work Item Proposal, the system displays a warning on the top right corner of the WI details tab.
It will display “WI proposal is NOT READY” until all the mandatory fields necessary to accept the proposal are filled in. You may mouse over this warning to see what information is missing.
The warning is refreshed automatically.
Once the Work Item is complete and ready for approval, the system will display the following warning:
To save your proposal, click on the "Save changes" button, at the bottom of the window. The system retrieves your contribution details.
- ‘‘‘If the proposal is incomplete:’’’
- You may leave your contribution in the "reserved" status and complete it later on. Click then on “Complete later”.
- ‘‘‘If the proposal is complete:’’’
- You may leave your contribution in the "reserved" status and make it available later on. Click then on “No later”.
In either case, you will see a confirmation that you contribution has been reserved, with the contribution number allocated.
Make available a Work Item Proposal
You can make available a Work Item proposal which is in "Reserved" Status.
To make it available you need to proceed to the upload of the contribution which is done automatically for this type of contribution.
NOTE: For the Work Item Proposal Contribution, there is no need to get cover page as the system will take all data and generate it automatically.
There are two ways of making available a New Work Item Proposal.
- From the “Save changes” button
- If you wish to make your proposal right away, click “Yes now”.
You will be redirected to the following screen.
- From the reservation confirmation screen
Click on "Upload/Make available", a pop-up is displayed
Select if you wish to upload a cover page from your computer or if you want it to be generated by the system itself and then click on "Make Available" and the system will generate a zip file with the cover page and the Work Item sheet.
Your New Work Item proposal is now in status "Available".
The Preliminary Work Item number (PWI)
Once a NWI contribution is reserved and or made available to the community, a Preliminary Work Item number (PWI) is attributed. It is the identification number of the Work Item until it is approved at the Technical Body level.
The PWI number consists of the following:
- “PWI_TBname_Year+sequence number_version”
(For example, PWI_TETRA01_1204_1 is a proposed Work Item to TETRA WG1, the 4th proposal in 2012 and it is currently version 1 of the proposal).
That PWI number is visible on top of the WI Details tab in the NWI proposal:
It can also be found in the contribution file, in the New Work Item sheet:
Change the status of a contribution of type NWI proposal
To change the status of the contribution, go the Contribution portlet.
Click on the on the line of your contribution. This will open the details of the contribution.
There are four changes possible changes to the status:
- Accept
- Reject
- Note
- Withdraw
Click on the appropriate status button. A pop-up will open allowing you to enter some comments
Click “OK”. The status is updated in the General tab of your contribution:
From this same screen, you may progress the Work Item to the parent Technical Body for adoption.
See description under section Progress the New Work Item to Technical Body of the Contribution application helpfiles.
Progress the New Work Item to the Technical Body
Should you have created a New Work Item at Working Group/Task Group level and got it approved by this WG/TG; you will need to get it approved by the Parent Technical Body.
To do that click on the in the contribution application for the concerned NWI proposal.
In the contribution General tab, click on
A drop down list appears with all the upcoming meeting of the parent Technical Body. Select the meeting the contribution should be attached to, or “No meeting” if applicable.
Warning: beware there is confirmation requested. Once the meeting selected (or “No meeting”), the contribution will be submitted right away.
Contribute a draft
There are two ways to contribute a draft. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to upload the draft first on the ETSI server via the Latest Drafts application before contributing it to the community.
Uploading a draft with the Latest Draft application
Uploading a draft with the Latest Draft application will make the system aware of the availability of a draft and of its relation with a specific version of a Work Item. The Latest Draft application is available on every Technical Body's homepage.
To upload a new version of a draft: click on the next to the Work Item reference for which you want to upload a draft.
This will allow you to upload a new version of a draft, to assign a status to this draft by choosing a Maturity Milestone ("Early draft ", "Stable draft", or "Final draft for approval") and to manage the target dates for these Maturity milestones.
By default, the button “Upload a new draft” is selected. Click on and choose your file from your computer.
Should you wish to change the status of this draft, select it in the new status drop down list.
You can also "Manage target dates" for this draft by clicking on the button related:
Click on "Save" should you change these target dates and then clik on "Save" to confirm the upload of your draft.
The system displays a progress bar during the upload of the document.
Once the draft is successfully uploaded, a confirmation message is displayed.
From this same screen, it is possible to contribute the draft to the community.
This re-direct to the creation screen of the contribution application. Refer to Contribute a draft from the Latest Drafts portlet to continue.
Contribute a draft from the Latest Drafts portlet
Now that your draft is available of the latest drafts server you can contribute it from this application by clicking the button that will directly drive you to the creation screen of the contribution application.
The "General" Tab is pre-filled with all information the system could retrieve from the Latest draft application. Fill-in the Title, choose whether your draft is for information, discussion or decision, you can type free text in the abstract box and allocate to a meeting. When done, select the tab "Draft" at the Top of this window.
The system has retrieved all information in relation to the draft you have uploaded on latest drafts and that you are contributing to the Technical Committee.
You can also attach your contribution to:
- The related work item tab is pre filled by system with the right Work Item reference of your draft
- Related contribution
Reserve a contribution of type "DRAFT" from the Contribution application
To contribute a draft from the contribution application, first repeat the steps described in Part 2.CREATE A CONTRIBUTION of the present page, choose the type "New draft" from the list of contribution types.
The system displays the general Tab which you are asked to fill in, ... click on the tab "Draft" at the top of the window. The system will display the following screen:
From this screen you will select:
- WI committee: drop-down list of all ETSI committees.
- WI reference: drop-down list of all active WIs belonging to the selected committee.
- Version: drop-down list displaying the available draft versions for this WI (i.e. drafts that have already been uploaded on the server via the Latest Draft application).
If the draft version that you want to contribute is only on your PC (i.e. if it has not yet been uploaded on the ETSI server), then select “Upload new draft” in the dropdown, this will open the Latest Draft pop-up window that will allow you to upload it.
From this pop-up, upload your draft and click on "Save": your draft will be uploaded in the drafts area of the relevant committee. Once back in the Draft tab of the Contribution screen, you will be able to select and contribute the draft version that you have just uploaded.
Click "Save" when you contribution is all done. Your contribution is now in a "Reserved" State, it is still not physically available in the contribution area.
Make Available a contribution of type "DRAFT"
As the draft you are contributing is already on the server, the systems knows where to find it, therefore all you have to upload (to make your contribution available) is a cover page that will be zipped together with the draft.
Click on the button
You have two possibilities:
- Upload the automated cover page from the system:
- This option is ticked by default.
- Upload your own cover page:
- Tick “Cover page you may upload from your computer” and choose your file.
The system has retrieved the draft from the Latest draft application and added the cover page into a zip file.
Your contribution is uploaded and appears as "Available" in the list of contributions.
Note: You can also upload your draft cover page from the full list view in the contribution application by clicking on the glasses icon. To make available your contribution, use the icon "Upload contribution" on the line of your contribution: