30th November2011:List of future enhancements to be published
- Evolution of the Contribution numbering scheme
20th October 2011 NGPP 1.3 Build 5: Ergonomics enhancements
Changes to the portal screen
- New contribution link allows to choose the type from the portlet
- A new search box allows you to enter text and perform search on titles, contacts, and sources of the contributions.
Contribution list Main Screen
- New quick access panel divided in 3 parts
- Access to saved queries
- Access to contributions which have been linked to recent, on-going and future meetings
- Access to contributions associated to preferred committees
- NEW: Simple/Advanced search panels
- UPDATED: Enhanced contribution list
- Statuses and UID are now displayed in different colours depending on their status
- The most usual actions are now displayed as Icons
- UPDATED: “New contribution” button which unfolds allowing to choose the type of contribution
Contribution details Windows
- Reviewed to match with the look and feel of the contribution cover page
- The main contact for a contribution is now a single person and you can retrieve his contact details by clicking on the link.
- The related WIs tab has been replaced by in line information display..