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'''List of future enhancements to be published'''

== '''[3.11.1] 5 September 2024''' ==
=== '''eApproval 1.3.1''' ===
* <code>ADDED</code> Automatic closure for SRdAP procedures

'''List of enhancements published on 15th December 2010'''
* <code>Fixed</code> Title translation feature for SRdAP procedures
* <code>Fixed</code> Comments assessment availability for SRdAP procedures
* <code>Fixed</code> Access issue to comments
* <code>Fixed</code> Display of results for legacy ENAPs (include all countries column)
* <code>Fixed</code> Displaying lines in light blue when user has already voted on a work item

== '''[3.11.0] 7 Aug 2024''' ==
=== '''eApproval 1.3.0'''===
* <code>ADDED</code> Implementation of Directives changes related to Corporate/Public group voting  (1 vote per group in MV/MW)

'''List of enhancements published on 2nd December 2010'''
* <code>UPDATED</code> Replacement of "results" icon with relevant text (e.g. CAST, REVISE, PREVIEW RESULTS, etc.)
* <code>UPDATED</code> Inclusion of new procedures (WA, WC, WS, EV, VA, VW) in "Quick access" page

<u>Improvement on the Tab ’’Draft’’:</u>
* <code>Fixed</code> Page crashing when comment was too long
* The Committee to which you contribute is pre-filled
* <code>Fixed</code> Voting weight totals in "Current Participation rate" panel
* The WI reference list is in ascending order and PWIs are displayed at the top of the list

* The ETSI number is displayed (when available)
* <code>Removed</code> Duplicate "Work item adopted" milestone

* WI Version menu: Available version are displayed in a descending order
=== '''Contributions 2.3.0'''===
* <code>Fixed</code> Various security vulnerabilities
* <code>Fixed</code> Appearance of wrong characters in RC notifications
* <code>Fixed</code> Procedures linked to WI creation which were depending on Milestones descriptions
* <code>Removed</code> Possibility to select ENAP procedure for non ENs

* The upload of a new version of a draft has been changed: no more ‘’…’’ button but a new feature ‘’Upload new version’’ at the top of the ‘’version’’ menu.
== '''22 July 2024 - ETSI Portal 3.10.27: Membership Application Form (MAF 1.3.1)''' ==
* This is a new application replacing the "Apply to membership" form
* Support of ETSI Directives V48
* Applicants fill in their application, and can adapt their application form after it has been reviewed by ETSI membership teams
== '''22 July 2024 - ETSI Portal 3.10.27: Directory Services application 6.2 (Secretariat-only)''' ==
* management of domain names attached to an organization
== '''26 June 2024 - ETSI Portal 3.10.26: GA Proxy 1.9.1''' ==
* Support of ETSI Directives V48 : the application restricts the number of proxies that a Corporate or Public group can hold
== '''4 December 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.25: Directory Services application 6.1 (Secretariat-only)''' ==
* Support of ETSI Directives V47 and V48
== '''1 December 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.24 E-Approval 1.2.0''' ==
* E-Approval application updated to support the adoption of work items created to fulfil an EC  standardization request

* After having uploaded a new draft version from the contribution application, then the system selects it automatically.
== '''20 October 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.23 Deliverables''' ==
* List deliverables under a SRDAP procedure
== '''18 October 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.22  Voting Tool for NSBG''' ==
* TB/GA/Board voting tool updated to enable NSBG to vote (e.g. for the acceptance of an EC standardization request)
== '''12 October 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.21 IPR DARE Un-normalized patent update tool'''  ==
* Each reflected ISLD with un-normalized patents can be modified by authorized users to modify these patents (i.e., either normalize them, abandon them or leave them as they are).
* Each session can only be edited/continued and managed by its owner (logged-in authorized user who created/started that session).
* DB manager users (e.g., user who has ADM/MNG permissions) are allowed to consult/see sessions that are "in progress" or "pending signature" on the ISLD declarations.
== '''01 August 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.20: WEBstore update'''  ==
* Minor change to include redirect parameters to bring the user back to the original page after resetting the password.
== '''19 June 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.19 eWPM 1.1'''  ==
* 18 minor changes and 4 defect fixed
== '''25 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.18: IPR maintenance''' ==
* Fix one issue related to patents search on the dynamic reporting tool.
== '''22 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.17: WEBstore update''' ==
* Release of new setting for managing the VAT liability of WEBstore articles.
* Minor change to improve readability of articles bought in the order confirmation e-mail notification.
== '''11 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.16: IPR maintenance''' ==
* IPR hotfix to prevent corruption of downloaded files, with specific properties, from the declaration pages.
== '''10 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.15: Timesheet update''' ==
* Timesheet web application hotfix to prevent blocking authorized user login.
== '''9 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.14: WEBstore update''' ==
* Minor change to order confirmation e-mail notification.
== '''4 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.13: IPR maintenance''' ==
* Bug fixing related to manual file uploads done by database managers.
== '''27 April 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.12: xTF web applications update''' ==
* xTFs web application (Projects Portal): minor bug fixing related to image file upload restrictions and message enhancement displayed upon unsuccessful upload attempt.
* Timesheet web application: minor enhancement of informative messages on the history page.
* CFE web application: user guide updated to the latest version.
== '''26 April 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.11: eWPM maintenance and WEBstore update'''  ==
* Minor bug fix concerning the hyperlinks usage from/to superseding work item detail pages.
* WEBstore update:
** WEBstore article administration tool:
*** Bug fixing related to article "additional information" modifications.
*** Bug fixing to reenable the definition of Terms and Conditions per article.
*** Enhancement (shipment panel visible flag) to control shipment panel visibility upon user checkout, depending on articles chosen.
** WEBstore UI:
*** Enhancement of footer and generic order submission message.
*** Creation of new page layout for the ISG Meetings' participation fees.
== '''19 April 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.10: EOL account creation form maintenance''' ==
* Improvement of workflow/logic and e-mail notifications concerning specific use cases for potential users whose organizations are not listed, and want to become ETSI Members.
== '''18 April 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.9: IPR maintenance''' ==
* Bug fixing related to saving changes done on IPR declarations.
* Bug fixing related to editing ISLD declarations, namely concerning the use of the "Create from previous disclosure" button.
* Bug fixing related to deleting GD declarations, namely those referring to ETSI projects or standards / work items.
* General maintenance / improvements done in terms of e-sign resources management, upon IPR declarations' deletion.
== '''13 April 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.8:  portal security upgrade''' ==
* DNN CMS component upgraded to version 9.10
== '''20 March 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.7: ISG meeting registration maintenance''' ==
* Refinement of rules concerning ISG meeting registration in alignment with GA's approved changes of directives.
== '''9 March 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.6: EOL account creation form maintenance''' ==
* Refinement of restrictions applied to the automatic account creation validation, in alignment with the new ETSI member/observer/associate pre-applicant statuses.
* Improvement of workflow/logic and e-mail notifications concerning specific use cases for potential users whose organizations are not listed.
== '''28 February 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.5: IPR maintenance''' ==
* Waived restriction on the work item / specification search feature, on the "Initialised" IPR declarations' edition page, to allow Submitter users to search through all available ETSI and 3GPP work items.
== '''27 February 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.4: xTF web applications update''' ==
* xTFs web application (Projects Portal):
** project deliverables' current status date fixed.
** enhancement to introduce compatibility with cancelled projects (i.e. access is denied).
* Timesheet web application: enhancement to introduce compatibility with cancelled projects (i.e. UI and exported files content).
* CFE web application:
** Enhancement to introduce compatibility with cancelled projects (i.e. search and access is denied).
** Enhancement on the public landing page's Apply buttons to redirect the user to the EOL account creation page when needed.
* Applications footer updated.
== '''6 February 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.3: Directory Services application 5.1 (Secretariat-only)''' ==
* Enhancements of existing features.

== '''12 January 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.2: EOL account creation form maintenance''' ==
* Enhancement of error messages.
* Maintenance aiming at preventing e-mail notification duplicates.
== '''15 December 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.10.1: Timesheet web application''' ==
* A new use case is now supported by the Timesheet web application: CTI directors assigned to specific xTF projects have the same rights as xTF project leaders; and CTI officers have the same rights as xTF experts.
* The time sheets' history page has been updated, to include CTI contacts as team members.
== '''14 December 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.10.0: eWPM v1.0''' ==
* Minimal version of a new [ eWPM web application] released. Its usage is restricted to work item administrative features requested by the ETSI Board: mark as superseded, mark as current, mark as reviewed and confirmed (for EN/HS).
* Withdrawn work items are now searchable/visible, and their documents are available for download, both from the new web application as well as from the ETSI website's standards search feature.
== '''14 December 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.16: IPR maintenance''' ==
* Error-handling improvements related to the creation/copy/manipulation of disclosures when editing initialized IPR declarations.
* Maintenance aiming at respecting good practices when manipulating electronically-signed files attached to IPR declarations.
== '''12 December 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.15: EOL account creation form evolution''' ==
* Enhancement for unblocking xTF candidates' EOL account creation requests in specific cases when their organization is not listed.
== '''07 December 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.14: Support for PAS Work Items''' ==
* New field ‘WI Submission type’ added with two choices: ‘ETSI’ or ‘PAS’.
* Upon choosing PAS, the field “Supporting companies” is replaced with “Partner Organization”  and "Submitter Name”.
* “Standard Type” field dropdown list is restricted to TR/TS.
* PAS approval done automatically at TB level. If first made at WG/TG level then automatically approved at that level.

== '''30 November 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.13: IPR maintenance''' ==
*Error-handling improvement upon IPR declaration submission.
*Enhancement of error messages displayed on the user interface.
*Timeout rework when facing database-related slowness.
== '''9 November 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.12: IPR E-Sign update''' ==
*The new release includes an improvement to the IPR e-sign mechanism, namely in terms of exception handling.
== '''24 October 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.11: xTF web applications update''' ==
*xTFs web application (Projects Portal):
**A hyperlink is added to the xTFs web application (Projects Portal) to redirect the users to the archived xTF page for consulting older project pages.
**The user guide has been updated.
*Timesheet web application:
**The authenticated users' landing page is updated to display the full project names - complementing the project numbers - on each selected week.
*CFE web application:
**A guidance message is added to the public landing page for anonymous users to be aware of the required EOL account.

== '''13 October 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.10: IPR security upgrade & bug fixing''' ==
* A new version of the IPR database application has been released, comprising:
** A security-related upgrade;
** Several bug fixes related to the edition, save, and deletion of IPR declarations.

<u>For all types of contribution (NWI, Draft, LS, CR, other…)‘’Make available’’ screen</u>
== '''10 October 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.9: Directory Services application 5.0 (Secretariat-only)''' ==
* Administration of Technical and Governance Bodies

* The future filename of the contribution is displayed as a link on the ‘’make available ‘’ screen. This to allow delegates to copy/paste this link in meeting report for instance
== '''6 October 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.9: remove Work Programme Hierarchical View''' ==
* This application has been removed as it has been unused for several years
== '''28 September 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.8: xTFs web application''' ==
* A new/revamped '''[ xTFs web application]''' - serving as a new Task Force Projects Portal - is released in alignment with the ETSI Secretariat’s internal financial system upgrade.
* The new web application, whose consultation is publicly available, allows Task Force teams to maintain and share their project progress/content publicly.
* Task Force team members (experts and leaders) whose projects are currently open are allowed to use editing features by logging in from the ETSI portal.
== '''24 August 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.7: CFE web application update''' ==
* New [ CFE] release delivered, comprising:
** Improvement of error handling in case of network disruption.
** A minor bug fix related to the financial offer edition.
** A minor change on the internal file handling system.
** A change on the user contact selection logic.
== '''23 August 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.6: Timesheet web application''' ==
* A new/revamped [ '''Timesheet web application'''] is released in alignment with the ETSI Secretariat’s internal financial system upgrade.

* The UID of the contribution you are about to make available is displayed in the screen title
* The new web application, whose usage is restricted to Task Force teams, is available at by logging in from the ETSI portal.

* Screens are documented
== '''4 August 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.5:  IPR E-Sign update''' ==
[[File:Make available other.png|400px]]
* The new release includes several internal error handling tweaks related to IPR declaration submission, namely when using the integrated electronic signature (e-sign) mechanism.
* Minor bug fixes on IPR management features were done, and a new feature was added, to ease the declaration files management done by the ETSI Secretariat users.
== '''28 July 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.4:  GA Proxy update''' ==
* The new release allows users to access the GA Proxy tool for meetings of type "Extraordinary".
* Users can now submit proxies online for the next General Assemblies (GA) conducted at meetings of both types, "Ordinary" and "Extraordinary".
== '''22 June 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.3: IPR disclaimer update''' ==
* IPR database application disclaimer updated.
== '''7 June 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.2: IPR web browser compatibility''' ==
* Major update released on IPR database application, providing full compatibility with the most commonly used web browsers (namely Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Safari) in light of Microsoft's Internet Explorer announced end of life.
* Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browsers shall no longer be used by IPR database application users.
== '''15 February 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.1: IPR declaration''' ==
* Setting an unnormalized patent's office organization or country is now compulsory when creating or modifying a disclosure on an ISLD declaration via the IPR database application (

== '''17 January 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.0: Call for Expertise (CFE) web application''' ==
* A new/revamped Call for Expertise (CFE) web application is released in alignment with the ETSI Secretariat’s internal financial system upgrade.

* The new web application is available at, where the Terms of Reference of open CFEs are visible. Candidates can submit their applications to open CFEs by logging in from the ETSI portal.

== '''22 December 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.8.2: Collective letter repository''' ==
* Collective letters are now made available via the Contribution application.
* A C_Letter option has been added in the Body Selector.
== '''14 October 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.8.1: IPR E-Sign''' ==
* A significant release of the IPR database application was released, featuring an optional Adobe Sign electronic signature (e-sign) feature embedded directly into the IPR declaration submission process.
* The new e-sign feature is compatible with both types of declarations: General Declarations (GDs) and Information Statement and Licensing Declarations (ISLDs).
== '''13 September 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.8.0:  New Directory Services application (Secretariat-only)''' ==
* Corporate groups are identified and directly visible.
* Status of an organisation: new terminology applied, new options for statuses. Flags no longer exist.
* Each status of a member (person or organisation) has a start date and an end date that allows to keep the history of the changes and freeze the information over time.
* Audit rules have been put in place and the staff members who have DS writing rights will be immediately informed if the inputs are not compliant with the basic principles set in our Directives.
* Enhanced sorting functions: powerful “Advanced search” tool & reporting functions.

<u>For NWI and Drafts: Alignment of the ‘’Make available’’</u>
== '''29 June 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.7.0: IPR Bulk Upload v.2''' ==
* A major version of IPR Bulk Upload was released, featuring several improvements to the original limitations.

* Screen documented: information on what will happen after having clicked on ‘’make available’’ button and of what will be composed the uploaded contribution.  
* The files’ parsing mechanism has evolved. The user interface has been revamped, now providing a real-time status of the file analysis, an improved history section, and several filtering options for a better user experience.

* Then the system allows you to either let the system making available your contribution automatically or you have the possibility to upload a cover sheet manually should you wish to comment your contribution.
== '''11 May 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.6.4: ISLD disclosures’ “Proprietor(s)” field renaming''' ==
* In alignment with the decision taken during the GA#77, the ISLD declaration disclosures’ label “Proprietor(s)” has been renamed to “Applicant(s)/holder(s)” on the IPR database application’s user interface, dynamic reporting interface, and the related reporting exports.

== '''07 May 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.6.3:  Re-designed Work Item Schedule page''' ==
* Updated look and feel
*Download drafts files moved from version column to milestone column, next to milestone name: [[File:DownloadLink.png|none|thumb]]
* Ability for ETSI Secretariat to link contributions to some WI milestones
* Contributions linked to a milestone can be downloaded via an icon next to milestone name.
== '''21 January 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.6.2:  Change of Work Item Aspects''' ==
* Update of the "Aspect and Keywords" pane in the "New Work Item" form
** Simplification of "'''Environmental aspect'''" (removed sub-aspects)
** Simplification of "'''User/consumer aspect'''" (removed sub-aspects)
** Addition of '''Labour/workplace aspect'''
** Addition of '''Specific relevance to SMEs'''
* ETSI Work Programme Advanced Search criteria have been updated accordingly
== '''10 March  2020 - ETSI Portal 3.6.1: Proxy for GA application with e-signature''' ==
* Introduction of electronic signature (e-sign) achieved via integration with Adobe Sign.
** Users are now able to create and submit proxies and e-sign them.   
** Non-regression: the tool still allows the creation and submission of manually-signed proxies (i.e., e-sign is optional).   
* Enhancements to the User Interface (e.g., adding a loading icon, blocking buttons while requests are ongoing) and on the generated proxy form, to improve user experience.   
== '''09 Dec 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.6: new version of Meetings application''' ==
* Updated management of roles in meeting registration   
* Registration emails to local meetings now include QR codes that will be used for on-premises badge printing   
== '''15 Nov 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.5: new Proxy for GA application''' ==
* Members, Full and Associate, have the possibility to submit proxies online for next General Assemblies   
* Voting tool automatically takes the validated proxies into account, provided that the Proxy Receiver is declared present at GA check-in time   
== '''17 Oct 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.5: new Create Account Request application''' ==
* New User interface embedded within a portal frame   
* When the request cannot be automatically processed, it is dispatched to the right person within ETSI Secretariat   
== '''10 Apr 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.4: new Meeting Calendar application''' ==
* New User interface with Meeting Calendar, Detailed Meeting Information, Participant List and Registration features   
* More details [[Meeting Calendar 2018|]]   
== '''4 Mar 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.3.7: IPR bulk-declaration''' ==
* Enable the new IPR-Bulk declaration tool to load data into IPR database   
== '''9 Jan 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.3.6: e-approval''' ==
* NSO  with no voting rights are allowed to comment and/or enter translated titles 
== '''9 Jan 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.3.5: Login Disclaimer''' ==
* Privacy disclaimer added to portal login (existing account owners) 
== '''9 Jan 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.3.3: Work Programme''' ==
* Work Item titles added in the “Work Programme” tab of the TB/ISG pages
== '''5 December 2018 - ETSI Portal 3.3.2: miscellaneous enhancements''' ==
* New PWI lifecycle implemented in Work Programme Management and portal portlets

== '''28 Feb 2018 - ETSI Portal 3.3.1: e-approval application update''' ==
*The look and feel of the whole application has been refreshed
*The process to comment and cast votes on ENs has been modified whilst the process for approving ESs or EGs remains unchanged.
**All the ENs submitted to an EN Approval from 1st February 2018 will benefit from these changes.
**Those submitted prior to the 1st February 2018 will be processed according to the old procedures.

<u>For Draft versions uploaded in Latest drafts</u>

* No more zip in zip file. Draft uploaded in Latest are no more put by the system into zip files

== '''1 June 2017 - ETSI Portal 3.3: new application Membership Application Poll''' ==
*This new application enables to raise objections to ETSI membership applications. One poll is launched every quarter

== '''20 April 2017 - ETSI Portal 3.2.4: User notification upon contribution upload''' ==
*A user can subscribe to contribution upload notifications:
**Subscription to "TB notification list" can be done via a checkbox on the TB Contribution Tab (top part)
**Subscription to "Meeting notification list" can be done via a checkbox on the TB meetings Tab (Upload Notif column)

<u>For ‘’other types’’ of contribution ‘’Make available’’ screen</u>

* The system informs you of what you are about to do and what you need to do to complete the ‘’make available’’ action.

* The max file size of contribution to be uploaded has been increased to 20MB instead of 10MB
== '''11 April 2017 - ETSI Portal 3.2.3: EOL account creation and email change process ''' ==
*The EOL account creation process has been updated (white list/black list) for valid/invalid domain names, therefore fully automating the account creation for valid domain names while keeping the manual control for other domain names.  The "Modify personal information" feature has been updated in order to prevent the change of email address by individuals without bypassing the new process.

<u>The [CSV Export] function from the Contribution List view</u>
== '''11 April 2017 - ETSI Portal 3.2.3: Membership Online Application Form''' ==
* Membership Online Application Form:
**Compliance with the ETSI Directives.
**Enhancement of the application content and layout.
**Update of the email notification.
**Attachment of (S)ME declaration forms where appropriate.
**Review of the Help files and translation

*       Exports all contribution known attributes independently of the columns displayed in the current view and the number of rows in the view
== '''14 December 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.2.2: Timesheet, Portal STF''' ==
**‘Reporting’: ‘both ‘Monthly’ and ‘Yearly’ reports hold the ‘Work type’ field allowing the selection of ‘All’ (default), ‘Mandays’ or ‘Voluntary days’
*Portal STF:
**From the Portal STF tab ( and the ‘STF Search / Full list – STF’ portlet, when selecting an STF project, ‘View STF Contacts’ now displays the ‘Contractor’ column
== '''17 October 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.2.1: Portal menu bar''' ==
New button named "Feedback" has been added to the portal menu bar. The button brings you to a page where you can provide feedback on ETSI services
== '''27 April 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.2''' ==
*Action List
**It is now possible to export/import an actions list to/from Excel.
**The sort by UID in the portlet has been improved (numeric sort).
**When creating a contribution of type "New Work Item", a "Start of Work" date is now requested.
*Officials Portlet
**Technical officers are now listed in each sub WG instead of only at the main TB level.
*WI Monitoring
**By default, the portlet now displays only the published work items. The settings can be changed via the "Other WI reports".
*Latest Drafts
**When uploading a draft, the "rapporteur" and the ETSI Officers can now enter the achieved date for the "Start of Work" (only if the date is missing).
**ETSI Officers have now the right to change the author and the owner of a Work plan.
==  '''7 April 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.1.3: Timesheet, Travel for Experts''' ==
**‘Reporting’ view display similar to ‘Timesheet list’ in only displaying the Experts managed by the STF leader
** Select / Unselect All tick box
**Days allocation higher than contracted for ETSI Staff experts corrected
*Travel for Experts:
** Expert work place country added
** Cosmetics (menu ribbon and text harmonization)
==  '''7 March 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.1.2: Call for Expertise''' ==
*Call for Expertise (CfE) and Portal STF portlet:
** New process: change of labels, titles and text in STF portlet and application form
==  '''16 February 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.1.1 : Updates to Contribution application''' ==
*Updates to Creation of a New Work Item proposal
**The NWI form allows the user to link applications/bandwidths that already exist in the WPM database, the user can indicate a "Request for new bandwidth(s)"  which the Technical officer will enter manually in WPM.
**The NWI form includes a new field “Design for All assessment”.
**The NWI form only allows the user to select a directive that already exists in the database.
**The milestones 12V and 12W are automatically inserted for Harmonized Standards.
**If the chosen work item reference is already “used”, the user will be informed by a pop up and the contribution cannot be approved.
*Change meeting allocation on revision
**The user can delete/change the meeting allocation when creating a revision of a contribution.
== '''28 September 2015 - ETSI Portal 3.1 : Technical upgrade ''' ==
*Migration of the Contribution application to EntityFramework
== '''10 September 2015 - ETSI Portal 3.0 : Consolidated login ''' ==
*No longer needed to login twice when accessing some password-protected parts of the portal. IPR management, STF Timesheet and Travel Management applications still require a specific login
*Once connected, no need either to login when downloading a document from docbox
* Note that Mac users may face a certificate issue when accessing documents. To fix the issue:
**Go to keychain (Finder -> Go -> Utilities -> keychain access). Select My certificates, and delete the ones that are causing issues. Then quit safari and restart it.
== '''9 September 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 13 : Call for Experts, Timesheet, Travel Management''' ==
*Call for Experts:
**’Send email to Project Team’ content improved (back office)
**Candidate list now only displays ‘Candidates’ (back office)
**Control of resource presence added
**Number of days ‘DONE’ correctly updated
*Travel Experts:
**Approval date coherence between STF Leader, STF Admin and FPS Director
== '''18 August 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 12 : Timesheet, Travel Management''' ==
*Travel Experts:
**Improved text of the Travel Plan workflow
== '''22 July 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 11 : Group Selector''' ==
*No more sub-menu to access ISG portals, all ISG groups now accessible from the home page. ISG selectors are filled with a specific color
== '''22 July 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 10 : Timesheet, Travel Management, Call for Experts''' ==
**Total of days with status DONE in the timesheet list corrected
**Deactivation of the automatic value rounding. (e.g. 0,125 was rounded to 0,13. Now 0,125 is kept to 0,125)
*Travel management:
**Issue on “Return to travel orders list” fixed
*Call for Experts (CfE):
**When a filename contained a “#” and/or “%”, the error message 404 occurred when attempting to display the file after upload. The following specific message has been added in the upload box:
**“Note: If a filename contains characters "%" and/or "#", the latter will be substituted with "_" or update the filename first. “
== '''24 June 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 9 : Timesheet, Travel Management and Portal STF''' ==
**Reporting/Project: access to all the days spent in the STF is now possible
**Register a timesheet line: all underlined fields open a contextual help on click
** Design:
***layout of the reporting filters changed
***Timesheet list displayed in chronological order
**Filter by period in the timesheets list
**For the STF leader: only “STF Leader’s own timesheets” and “other experts timesheets to be validated” are displayed by default 
**Remaining per contract: from the reporting feature, click on “Remaining per contract”. Access will be provided to all the days spent, contracted and the remaining ones.
**Correction: issue on “Return to timesheet list” fixed
*Travel management:
***layout of the travel orders list filters changed
***Number of columns displayed reduced in travel order list
**All underlined fields open a contextual help on click
**Register a travel expense line: the quantity by default has been set to 1
**Register a travel expense line: the exchange rate has been reversed. Enter euros for 1 unit of foreign currency
**Display of the validation step dates in the TP/TO approval process
*Portal STF:
**in page 
***Links on STF pages fixed
***order of display of the STF changed
==  '''8 April 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 8 : STF web applications''' ==
* Timesheet improvement:
**Timesheet list for STF Leader:
***Display leader own timesheet and timesheets to be validated
***the tick box “to be validated” has been added in the filter bar
**Filter by period available
**Timesheet list sorted by period and by expert alphabetical order
**Remaining per contract:
***experts can have an overview of the all days worked and contracted on all their contracts.
***Feature available through Reporting>Remaining per contract
**Total per line timesheet line available
**Update of list of experts in the alphabetical order of their names (home page and reporting list)
== '''1 April 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 7 : STF web applications''' ==
* Timesheet improvement:
** Display of the task description
** Days with the status “PLANNED” can be updated when they are passed.
** List of experts appears in the alphabetical order of their names (home page and reporting list)
** Conservation of the filtered timesheets list when click on back button
** Correction of the total timesheet days in the timesheet list
* STF and TB portlets’ improvement:
** Alignment of the STF search engine
** Active STFs displayed by default
** Dedicated button to access [STFs Archives]
== '''26 March 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 6 : Contribution''' ==
* Enhancements:
** "Full View" Improved used of filters
** “Full View”, “Quick Access”: List of Meetings and/or Communities (groups) only loaded when expanded
== '''19 February 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 5 : Timesheet and Online Application Form''' ==
* Improvement:
** Timesheet: reporting display.
** Online Application Form: organization activity field length increased.
== '''04 February 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 4 : Voting tool''' ==
* Enhancements:
** Voting tool unified for TB, GA and BOARD.
** Includes single sign-on from the portal.
** Ability for a voting contact to vote for all companies he/she's contact for.
** Reviewed display of results
== '''21 January 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 3 : Timesheet''' ==
* Enhancement:
** Timesheet loading performance improvement.
== '''12 January 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 2 : Release of the ETSI STF application set''' ==
* Enhancements:
** Upgrade of the STF Time Allocation Management (Timesheets).
** Upgrade of the STF Travel management.
** New Call for Experts (CfE) application available.
** STF portlet layout and content update.
== '''30 June 2014 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 2 : Menu bar ''' ==
* Maintenance:
** Menu bar has been updated
== '''30 April 2014 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 1 : Password Management & Standards Search''' ==
* Enhancements:
** Publication Download Area menu has been removed.  Standards search shall now be done from ETSI web site 
** News Portlet added to TB home page and Portal home page
** Change Password and Reset Password modules enhanced
== '''11 February 2014 - ETSI Portal 2.0: Tabbed display''' ==
* Enhancements:
** Display of applications in separate tabs
*** Home (General information, Email archives, Officials, STF)
*** Meetings
*** Contributions
*** Work Programme (WI monitoring, WPHV)
*** Drafts (Latest drafts)
*** Remote Consensus
*** Actions
== '''6 February 2013 NGPP 1.5 Build 1: Contributions enhancements''' ==
* Enhancements:
** Reworked portlet to allow more efficient sorting and filtering options.
*** Default sort order changed to Reservation date descending
*** Ability to sort by all columns
*** Ability to include or not the Working Groups
*** Ability to filter by year
** Contribution details view
*** Ability to navigate through list of contributions
*** Ability to step to another contribution by searching for its UID
** Enhanced upload control
** Various minor User Interface modifications.
* Maintenance:
** Remote Consensus: Increased font size in notifications
** Meeting calendar: iCal adapted to 3GPP meetings
** Meeting calendar: Popup to confirm un-registration from portlet
** Meeting calendar: Ability to download GA Specific CSV for GA Meetings
== '''4 February 2013 - NGPP 1.4 Build 6: Remote Consensus enhancements''' ==
* Enhancements:
** Reworked notification messages, to be more readable/useful.
** Reworked portlet to display information on each contribution in remote consensuses.
** Various minor User Interface & state machine modifications.
== '''9 January 2013 - NGPP 1.4 Build 5: Meeting Calendar enhancements''' ==
* Enhancements:
** Rework of the meeting calendar portlet
** Rework of the registration information
** Integration of different meeting types (face-to-face, conferences or both)
** New link to Advanced query on the portlet
* Introduction of new features:
** Easy upload of the meeting invitations and details
** Ability for external users to register to meetings (if allowed by meeting settings)
** Management of participants presence type and status
** Handling of registration of non-ETSI members
** iCal reminders to add meetings to mail client calendars
** Ability to send emails to registered participants via the application
== '''3 October 2012 NGPP 1.4 Build 4: New Work Item & Latest Drafts enhancements''' ==
* Enhancements on the New Work Item proposal
** Dynamic check of the Work Item proposal. New feature on the top right corner of the proposal to check automatically if NWI proposal is complete (mouse over with instructions).
** Deliverable type is now a mandatory field to create the NWI proposal.
** PWI reference number is simplified to "PWI_TBName_YY_sequencenumber_version".
** The requested WI reference field is automatically pre-filled with the next number available.
** Possibility to make available the NWI proposal in 1 click when complete.
** Possibility to progress accepted WIs on WG level to the TB parent for approval in 1 click.
** Autocomplete menu for the Rapporteur field.
* Enhancements on the Latest Drafts application
** Automatic path attribution for the first draft version.
** Draft tab in the contribution contains the Work Item details.
** Progress bar while drafts download.
** Ability to contritube uplaoded draft in 1 click.
** Expandable list of all versions for Work Items with more than one version.
** Possibility to erase non-contributed versions from the portlet (staff reserved).
== '''14 April 2012 - NGPP 1.4 Build 3: Access Control & State Machine enhancements''' ==
* Simplification of Access Rights
Any user can now EDIT, UPLOAD or REVISE a contribution even if he's not its main contact. In such a case, a notification e-mail is sent to the main contact.
* Navigation enhancements
Upon login, the user is not redirected to the portal home page anymore but stays on current page.
* State Machine modifications
It is now possible to withdraw a Revised contribution.
* Remote Consensus notifications
In notifications, hyperlinks were added to point to contribution details.
== '''29 February 2012 NGPP 1.4 Build 2: New features added to the contribution application''' ==
* Late contribution threshold
This feature allows to flag as "Late" any contribution reserved or uploaded after a defined Late Threshold Date.
This information only exists for contribution allocated to a meeting.
* Block Reservation
Contribution "Block Reservation" is a functionality that allows to pre-reserve a range of contributions for a targeted meeting by re-using and copying the general fields/information (title, source, …) of existing contributions from previous meetings.
This will typically be used when TB meetings have a recurring pattern for their first n contributions (invitation, agenda, IPR call, Status of WPM, WG reports, etc).
* VIP Mode
Only active TB support staff and active Officials of the concerned TB have Write access to the Contribution objects of a community for which the "VIP mode" has been enabled, other users have Read access only i.e. Board and General Assembly.
==  '''30 November 2011 - NGPP 1.4 Build 1: Additional enhancements to the Contribution application''' ==
* Evolution of the Contribution numbering scheme
Starting from 2012 contributions and for contributions created in 2011 and attached to a 2012 meeting the new numbering scheme will be as the following:
                                                TBName(YY)XXXZZZ --> <CommunityId>(YY)<MeetingID><contribSeqNb>
Meeting ID: optional can be defined to reflect the Meeting reference. Otherwise for the Comittees who wish to keep the yearly contributions numbering scheme, THEN the ''XXX'' will be set to ''000''
IF Meeting ID defined THEN starts at 1 until last contribution linked to this meeting is reserved and/or <ReservationEndDate> is reached
IF Meeting ID not defined THEN the contribution numbering system takes over and allocates an automatic yearly numbering scheme
* Contributions can be assigned to several meetings
* Contributions assigned to a meeting and postponed to another meeting will keep its UID origin
* Possibility to set Reservation Start and End Dates with the option to block upload outside of the reservation range
* The Contribution File Name can now be changed in the contribution detailed view.
== '''20 October 2011 - NGPP 1.3 Build 5: Ergonomics enhancements''' ==
<u>Changes to the portal screen</u>
* New contribution link allows to choose the type from the portlet
* A new search box allows you to enter text and perform search on titles, contacts, and sources of the contributions.
<u>Contribution list Main Screen</u>
* New quick access panel divided in 3 parts
** Access to saved queries
** Access to contributions which have been linked to recent, on-going and future meetings
** Access to contributions associated to preferred committees
* NEW: Simple/Advanced search panels
* UPDATED: Enhanced contribution list
** Statuses and UID are now displayed in different colours depending on their status
**      The most usual actions are now displayed as Icons
*      UPDATED: “New contribution” button which unfolds allowing to choose the type of contribution
<u>Contribution details Windows</u>
* Reviewed to match with the look and feel of the contribution cover page
* The main contact for a contribution is now a single person and you can retrieve his contact details by clicking on the link.
* The related WIs tab has been replaced by in line information display..

Latest revision as of 15:04, 5 September 2024

[3.11.1] 5 September 2024

eApproval 1.3.1

  • ADDED Automatic closure for SRdAP procedures
  • Fixed Title translation feature for SRdAP procedures
  • Fixed Comments assessment availability for SRdAP procedures
  • Fixed Access issue to comments
  • Fixed Display of results for legacy ENAPs (include all countries column)
  • Fixed Displaying lines in light blue when user has already voted on a work item

[3.11.0] 7 Aug 2024

eApproval 1.3.0

  • ADDED Implementation of Directives changes related to Corporate/Public group voting (1 vote per group in MV/MW)
  • UPDATED Replacement of "results" icon with relevant text (e.g. CAST, REVISE, PREVIEW RESULTS, etc.)
  • UPDATED Inclusion of new procedures (WA, WC, WS, EV, VA, VW) in "Quick access" page
  • Fixed Page crashing when comment was too long
  • Fixed Voting weight totals in "Current Participation rate" panel
  • Removed Duplicate "Work item adopted" milestone

Contributions 2.3.0

  • Fixed Various security vulnerabilities
  • Fixed Appearance of wrong characters in RC notifications
  • Fixed Procedures linked to WI creation which were depending on Milestones descriptions
  • Removed Possibility to select ENAP procedure for non ENs

22 July 2024 - ETSI Portal 3.10.27: Membership Application Form (MAF 1.3.1)

  • This is a new application replacing the "Apply to membership" form
  • Support of ETSI Directives V48
  • Applicants fill in their application, and can adapt their application form after it has been reviewed by ETSI membership teams

22 July 2024 - ETSI Portal 3.10.27: Directory Services application 6.2 (Secretariat-only)

  • management of domain names attached to an organization

26 June 2024 - ETSI Portal 3.10.26: GA Proxy 1.9.1

  • Support of ETSI Directives V48 : the application restricts the number of proxies that a Corporate or Public group can hold

4 December 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.25: Directory Services application 6.1 (Secretariat-only)

  • Support of ETSI Directives V47 and V48

1 December 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.24 E-Approval 1.2.0

  • E-Approval application updated to support the adoption of work items created to fulfil an EC standardization request

20 October 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.23 Deliverables

  • List deliverables under a SRDAP procedure

18 October 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.22 Voting Tool for NSBG

  • TB/GA/Board voting tool updated to enable NSBG to vote (e.g. for the acceptance of an EC standardization request)

12 October 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.21 IPR DARE Un-normalized patent update tool

  • Each reflected ISLD with un-normalized patents can be modified by authorized users to modify these patents (i.e., either normalize them, abandon them or leave them as they are).
  • Each session can only be edited/continued and managed by its owner (logged-in authorized user who created/started that session).
  • DB manager users (e.g., user who has ADM/MNG permissions) are allowed to consult/see sessions that are "in progress" or "pending signature" on the ISLD declarations.

01 August 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.20: WEBstore update

  • Minor change to include redirect parameters to bring the user back to the original page after resetting the password.

19 June 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.19 eWPM 1.1

  • 18 minor changes and 4 defect fixed

25 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.18: IPR maintenance

  • Fix one issue related to patents search on the dynamic reporting tool.

22 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.17: WEBstore update

  • Release of new setting for managing the VAT liability of WEBstore articles.
  • Minor change to improve readability of articles bought in the order confirmation e-mail notification.

11 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.16: IPR maintenance

  • IPR hotfix to prevent corruption of downloaded files, with specific properties, from the declaration pages.

10 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.15: Timesheet update

  • Timesheet web application hotfix to prevent blocking authorized user login.

9 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.14: WEBstore update

  • Minor change to order confirmation e-mail notification.

4 May 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.13: IPR maintenance

  • Bug fixing related to manual file uploads done by database managers.

27 April 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.12: xTF web applications update

  • xTFs web application (Projects Portal): minor bug fixing related to image file upload restrictions and message enhancement displayed upon unsuccessful upload attempt.
  • Timesheet web application: minor enhancement of informative messages on the history page.
  • CFE web application: user guide updated to the latest version.

26 April 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.11: eWPM maintenance and WEBstore update

  • Minor bug fix concerning the hyperlinks usage from/to superseding work item detail pages.
  • WEBstore update:
    • WEBstore article administration tool:
      • Bug fixing related to article "additional information" modifications.
      • Bug fixing to reenable the definition of Terms and Conditions per article.
      • Enhancement (shipment panel visible flag) to control shipment panel visibility upon user checkout, depending on articles chosen.
    • WEBstore UI:
      • Enhancement of footer and generic order submission message.
      • Creation of new page layout for the ISG Meetings' participation fees.

19 April 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.10: EOL account creation form maintenance

  • Improvement of workflow/logic and e-mail notifications concerning specific use cases for potential users whose organizations are not listed, and want to become ETSI Members.

18 April 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.9: IPR maintenance

  • Bug fixing related to saving changes done on IPR declarations.
  • Bug fixing related to editing ISLD declarations, namely concerning the use of the "Create from previous disclosure" button.
  • Bug fixing related to deleting GD declarations, namely those referring to ETSI projects or standards / work items.
  • General maintenance / improvements done in terms of e-sign resources management, upon IPR declarations' deletion.

13 April 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.8: portal security upgrade

  • DNN CMS component upgraded to version 9.10

20 March 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.7: ISG meeting registration maintenance

  • Refinement of rules concerning ISG meeting registration in alignment with GA's approved changes of directives.

9 March 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.6: EOL account creation form maintenance

  • Refinement of restrictions applied to the automatic account creation validation, in alignment with the new ETSI member/observer/associate pre-applicant statuses.
  • Improvement of workflow/logic and e-mail notifications concerning specific use cases for potential users whose organizations are not listed.

28 February 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.5: IPR maintenance

  • Waived restriction on the work item / specification search feature, on the "Initialised" IPR declarations' edition page, to allow Submitter users to search through all available ETSI and 3GPP work items.

27 February 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.4: xTF web applications update

  • xTFs web application (Projects Portal):
    • project deliverables' current status date fixed.
    • enhancement to introduce compatibility with cancelled projects (i.e. access is denied).
  • Timesheet web application: enhancement to introduce compatibility with cancelled projects (i.e. UI and exported files content).
  • CFE web application:
    • Enhancement to introduce compatibility with cancelled projects (i.e. search and access is denied).
    • Enhancement on the public landing page's Apply buttons to redirect the user to the EOL account creation page when needed.
  • Applications footer updated.

6 February 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.3: Directory Services application 5.1 (Secretariat-only)

  • Enhancements of existing features.

12 January 2023 - ETSI Portal 3.10.2: EOL account creation form maintenance

  • Enhancement of error messages.
  • Maintenance aiming at preventing e-mail notification duplicates.

15 December 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.10.1: Timesheet web application

  • A new use case is now supported by the Timesheet web application: CTI directors assigned to specific xTF projects have the same rights as xTF project leaders; and CTI officers have the same rights as xTF experts.
  • The time sheets' history page has been updated, to include CTI contacts as team members.

14 December 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.10.0: eWPM v1.0

  • Minimal version of a new eWPM web application released. Its usage is restricted to work item administrative features requested by the ETSI Board: mark as superseded, mark as current, mark as reviewed and confirmed (for EN/HS).
  • Withdrawn work items are now searchable/visible, and their documents are available for download, both from the new web application as well as from the ETSI website's standards search feature.

14 December 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.16: IPR maintenance

  • Error-handling improvements related to the creation/copy/manipulation of disclosures when editing initialized IPR declarations.
  • Maintenance aiming at respecting good practices when manipulating electronically-signed files attached to IPR declarations.

12 December 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.15: EOL account creation form evolution

  • Enhancement for unblocking xTF candidates' EOL account creation requests in specific cases when their organization is not listed.

07 December 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.14: Support for PAS Work Items

  • New field ‘WI Submission type’ added with two choices: ‘ETSI’ or ‘PAS’.
  • Upon choosing PAS, the field “Supporting companies” is replaced with “Partner Organization”  and "Submitter Name”.
  • “Standard Type” field dropdown list is restricted to TR/TS.
  • PAS approval done automatically at TB level. If first made at WG/TG level then automatically approved at that level.

30 November 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.13: IPR maintenance

  • Error-handling improvement upon IPR declaration submission.
  • Enhancement of error messages displayed on the user interface.
  • Timeout rework when facing database-related slowness.

9 November 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.12: IPR E-Sign update

  • The new release includes an improvement to the IPR e-sign mechanism, namely in terms of exception handling.

24 October 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.11: xTF web applications update

  • xTFs web application (Projects Portal):
    • A hyperlink is added to the xTFs web application (Projects Portal) to redirect the users to the archived xTF page for consulting older project pages.
    • The user guide has been updated.
  • Timesheet web application:
    • The authenticated users' landing page is updated to display the full project names - complementing the project numbers - on each selected week.
  • CFE web application:
    • A guidance message is added to the public landing page for anonymous users to be aware of the required EOL account.

13 October 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.10: IPR security upgrade & bug fixing

  • A new version of the IPR database application has been released, comprising:
    • A security-related upgrade;
    • Several bug fixes related to the edition, save, and deletion of IPR declarations.

10 October 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.9: Directory Services application 5.0 (Secretariat-only)

  • Administration of Technical and Governance Bodies

6 October 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.9: remove Work Programme Hierarchical View

  • This application has been removed as it has been unused for several years

28 September 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.8: xTFs web application

  • A new/revamped xTFs web application - serving as a new Task Force Projects Portal - is released in alignment with the ETSI Secretariat’s internal financial system upgrade.
  • The new web application, whose consultation is publicly available, allows Task Force teams to maintain and share their project progress/content publicly.
  • Task Force team members (experts and leaders) whose projects are currently open are allowed to use editing features by logging in from the ETSI portal.

24 August 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.7: CFE web application update

  • New CFE release delivered, comprising:
    • Improvement of error handling in case of network disruption.
    • A minor bug fix related to the financial offer edition.
    • A minor change on the internal file handling system.
    • A change on the user contact selection logic.

23 August 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.6: Timesheet web application

  • A new/revamped Timesheet web application is released in alignment with the ETSI Secretariat’s internal financial system upgrade.

4 August 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.5: IPR E-Sign update

  • The new release includes several internal error handling tweaks related to IPR declaration submission, namely when using the integrated electronic signature (e-sign) mechanism.
  • Minor bug fixes on IPR management features were done, and a new feature was added, to ease the declaration files management done by the ETSI Secretariat users.

28 July 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.4: GA Proxy update

  • The new release allows users to access the GA Proxy tool for meetings of type "Extraordinary".
  • Users can now submit proxies online for the next General Assemblies (GA) conducted at meetings of both types, "Ordinary" and "Extraordinary".

22 June 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.3: IPR disclaimer update

  • IPR database application disclaimer updated.

7 June 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.2: IPR web browser compatibility

  • Major update released on IPR database application, providing full compatibility with the most commonly used web browsers (namely Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Safari) in light of Microsoft's Internet Explorer announced end of life.
  • Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browsers shall no longer be used by IPR database application users.

15 February 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.1: IPR declaration

  • Setting an unnormalized patent's office organization or country is now compulsory when creating or modifying a disclosure on an ISLD declaration via the IPR database application (

17 January 2022 - ETSI Portal 3.9.0: Call for Expertise (CFE) web application

  • A new/revamped Call for Expertise (CFE) web application is released in alignment with the ETSI Secretariat’s internal financial system upgrade.
  • The new web application is available at, where the Terms of Reference of open CFEs are visible. Candidates can submit their applications to open CFEs by logging in from the ETSI portal.

22 December 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.8.2: Collective letter repository

  • Collective letters are now made available via the Contribution application.
  • A C_Letter option has been added in the Body Selector.

14 October 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.8.1: IPR E-Sign

  • A significant release of the IPR database application was released, featuring an optional Adobe Sign electronic signature (e-sign) feature embedded directly into the IPR declaration submission process.
  • The new e-sign feature is compatible with both types of declarations: General Declarations (GDs) and Information Statement and Licensing Declarations (ISLDs).

13 September 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.8.0: New Directory Services application (Secretariat-only)

  • Corporate groups are identified and directly visible.
  • Status of an organisation: new terminology applied, new options for statuses. Flags no longer exist.
  • Each status of a member (person or organisation) has a start date and an end date that allows to keep the history of the changes and freeze the information over time.
  • Audit rules have been put in place and the staff members who have DS writing rights will be immediately informed if the inputs are not compliant with the basic principles set in our Directives.
  • Enhanced sorting functions: powerful “Advanced search” tool & reporting functions.

29 June 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.7.0: IPR Bulk Upload v.2

  • A major version of IPR Bulk Upload was released, featuring several improvements to the original limitations.
  • The files’ parsing mechanism has evolved. The user interface has been revamped, now providing a real-time status of the file analysis, an improved history section, and several filtering options for a better user experience.

11 May 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.6.4: ISLD disclosures’ “Proprietor(s)” field renaming

  • In alignment with the decision taken during the GA#77, the ISLD declaration disclosures’ label “Proprietor(s)” has been renamed to “Applicant(s)/holder(s)” on the IPR database application’s user interface, dynamic reporting interface, and the related reporting exports.

07 May 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.6.3: Re-designed Work Item Schedule page

  • Updated look and feel
  • Download drafts files moved from version column to milestone column, next to milestone name:
  • Ability for ETSI Secretariat to link contributions to some WI milestones
  • Contributions linked to a milestone can be downloaded via an icon next to milestone name.

21 January 2021 - ETSI Portal 3.6.2: Change of Work Item Aspects

  • Update of the "Aspect and Keywords" pane in the "New Work Item" form
    • Simplification of "Environmental aspect" (removed sub-aspects)
    • Simplification of "User/consumer aspect" (removed sub-aspects)
    • Addition of Labour/workplace aspect
    • Addition of Specific relevance to SMEs
  • ETSI Work Programme Advanced Search criteria have been updated accordingly

10 March 2020 - ETSI Portal 3.6.1: Proxy for GA application with e-signature

  • Introduction of electronic signature (e-sign) achieved via integration with Adobe Sign.
    • Users are now able to create and submit proxies and e-sign them.
    • Non-regression: the tool still allows the creation and submission of manually-signed proxies (i.e., e-sign is optional).
  • Enhancements to the User Interface (e.g., adding a loading icon, blocking buttons while requests are ongoing) and on the generated proxy form, to improve user experience.

09 Dec 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.6: new version of Meetings application

  • Updated management of roles in meeting registration
  • Registration emails to local meetings now include QR codes that will be used for on-premises badge printing

15 Nov 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.5: new Proxy for GA application

  • Members, Full and Associate, have the possibility to submit proxies online for next General Assemblies
  • Voting tool automatically takes the validated proxies into account, provided that the Proxy Receiver is declared present at GA check-in time

17 Oct 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.5: new Create Account Request application

  • New User interface embedded within a portal frame
  • When the request cannot be automatically processed, it is dispatched to the right person within ETSI Secretariat

10 Apr 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.4: new Meeting Calendar application

4 Mar 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.3.7: IPR bulk-declaration

  • Enable the new IPR-Bulk declaration tool to load data into IPR database

9 Jan 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.3.6: e-approval

  • NSO with no voting rights are allowed to comment and/or enter translated titles

9 Jan 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.3.5: Login Disclaimer

  • Privacy disclaimer added to portal login (existing account owners)

9 Jan 2019 - ETSI Portal 3.3.3: Work Programme

  • Work Item titles added in the “Work Programme” tab of the TB/ISG pages

5 December 2018 - ETSI Portal 3.3.2: miscellaneous enhancements

  • New PWI lifecycle implemented in Work Programme Management and portal portlets

28 Feb 2018 - ETSI Portal 3.3.1: e-approval application update

  • The look and feel of the whole application has been refreshed
  • The process to comment and cast votes on ENs has been modified whilst the process for approving ESs or EGs remains unchanged.
    • All the ENs submitted to an EN Approval from 1st February 2018 will benefit from these changes.
    • Those submitted prior to the 1st February 2018 will be processed according to the old procedures.

1 June 2017 - ETSI Portal 3.3: new application Membership Application Poll

  • This new application enables to raise objections to ETSI membership applications. One poll is launched every quarter

20 April 2017 - ETSI Portal 3.2.4: User notification upon contribution upload

  • A user can subscribe to contribution upload notifications:
    • Subscription to "TB notification list" can be done via a checkbox on the TB Contribution Tab (top part)
    • Subscription to "Meeting notification list" can be done via a checkbox on the TB meetings Tab (Upload Notif column)

11 April 2017 - ETSI Portal 3.2.3: EOL account creation and email change process

  • The EOL account creation process has been updated (white list/black list) for valid/invalid domain names, therefore fully automating the account creation for valid domain names while keeping the manual control for other domain names. The "Modify personal information" feature has been updated in order to prevent the change of email address by individuals without bypassing the new process.

11 April 2017 - ETSI Portal 3.2.3: Membership Online Application Form

  • Membership Online Application Form:
    • Compliance with the ETSI Directives.
    • Enhancement of the application content and layout.
    • Update of the email notification.
    • Attachment of (S)ME declaration forms where appropriate.
    • Review of the Help files and translation

14 December 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.2.2: Timesheet, Portal STF

  • Timesheet:
    • ‘Reporting’: ‘both ‘Monthly’ and ‘Yearly’ reports hold the ‘Work type’ field allowing the selection of ‘All’ (default), ‘Mandays’ or ‘Voluntary days’

17 October 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.2.1: Portal menu bar

New button named "Feedback" has been added to the portal menu bar. The button brings you to a page where you can provide feedback on ETSI services

27 April 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.2

  • Action List
    • It is now possible to export/import an actions list to/from Excel.
  • Contributions
    • The sort by UID in the portlet has been improved (numeric sort).
    • When creating a contribution of type "New Work Item", a "Start of Work" date is now requested.
  • Officials Portlet
    • Technical officers are now listed in each sub WG instead of only at the main TB level.
  • WI Monitoring
    • By default, the portlet now displays only the published work items. The settings can be changed via the "Other WI reports".
  • Latest Drafts
    • When uploading a draft, the "rapporteur" and the ETSI Officers can now enter the achieved date for the "Start of Work" (only if the date is missing).
  • WPHV
    • ETSI Officers have now the right to change the author and the owner of a Work plan.

7 April 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.1.3: Timesheet, Travel for Experts

  • Timesheet:
    • ‘Reporting’ view display similar to ‘Timesheet list’ in only displaying the Experts managed by the STF leader
    • Select / Unselect All tick box
    • Days allocation higher than contracted for ETSI Staff experts corrected
  • Travel for Experts:
    • Expert work place country added
    • Cosmetics (menu ribbon and text harmonization)

7 March 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.1.2: Call for Expertise

  • Call for Expertise (CfE) and Portal STF portlet:
    • New process: change of labels, titles and text in STF portlet and application form

16 February 2016 - ETSI Portal 3.1.1 : Updates to Contribution application

  • Updates to Creation of a New Work Item proposal
    • The NWI form allows the user to link applications/bandwidths that already exist in the WPM database, the user can indicate a "Request for new bandwidth(s)" which the Technical officer will enter manually in WPM.
    • The NWI form includes a new field “Design for All assessment”.
    • The NWI form only allows the user to select a directive that already exists in the database.
    • The milestones 12V and 12W are automatically inserted for Harmonized Standards.
    • If the chosen work item reference is already “used”, the user will be informed by a pop up and the contribution cannot be approved.
  • Change meeting allocation on revision
    • The user can delete/change the meeting allocation when creating a revision of a contribution.

28 September 2015 - ETSI Portal 3.1 : Technical upgrade

  • Migration of the Contribution application to EntityFramework

10 September 2015 - ETSI Portal 3.0 : Consolidated login

  • No longer needed to login twice when accessing some password-protected parts of the portal. IPR management, STF Timesheet and Travel Management applications still require a specific login
  • Once connected, no need either to login when downloading a document from docbox
  • Note that Mac users may face a certificate issue when accessing documents. To fix the issue:
    • Go to keychain (Finder -> Go -> Utilities -> keychain access). Select My certificates, and delete the ones that are causing issues. Then quit safari and restart it.

9 September 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 13 : Call for Experts, Timesheet, Travel Management

  • Call for Experts:
    • ’Send email to Project Team’ content improved (back office)
    • Candidate list now only displays ‘Candidates’ (back office)
  • Timesheet:
    • Control of resource presence added
    • Number of days ‘DONE’ correctly updated
  • Travel Experts:
    • Approval date coherence between STF Leader, STF Admin and FPS Director

18 August 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 12 : Timesheet, Travel Management

  • Travel Experts:
    • Improved text of the Travel Plan workflow

22 July 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 11 : Group Selector

  • No more sub-menu to access ISG portals, all ISG groups now accessible from the home page. ISG selectors are filled with a specific color

22 July 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 10 : Timesheet, Travel Management, Call for Experts

  • Timesheets:
    • Total of days with status DONE in the timesheet list corrected
    • Deactivation of the automatic value rounding. (e.g. 0,125 was rounded to 0,13. Now 0,125 is kept to 0,125)
  • Travel management:
    • Issue on “Return to travel orders list” fixed
  • Call for Experts (CfE):
    • When a filename contained a “#” and/or “%”, the error message 404 occurred when attempting to display the file after upload. The following specific message has been added in the upload box:
    • “Note: If a filename contains characters "%" and/or "#", the latter will be substituted with "_" or update the filename first. “

24 June 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 9 : Timesheet, Travel Management and Portal STF

  • Timesheets:
    • Reporting/Project: access to all the days spent in the STF is now possible
    • Register a timesheet line: all underlined fields open a contextual help on click
    • Design:
      • layout of the reporting filters changed
      • Timesheet list displayed in chronological order
    • Filter by period in the timesheets list
    • For the STF leader: only “STF Leader’s own timesheets” and “other experts timesheets to be validated” are displayed by default
    • Remaining per contract: from the reporting feature, click on “Remaining per contract”. Access will be provided to all the days spent, contracted and the remaining ones.
    • Correction: issue on “Return to timesheet list” fixed
  • Travel management:
    • Design:
      • layout of the travel orders list filters changed
      • Number of columns displayed reduced in travel order list
    • All underlined fields open a contextual help on click
    • Register a travel expense line: the quantity by default has been set to 1
    • Register a travel expense line: the exchange rate has been reversed. Enter euros for 1 unit of foreign currency
    • Display of the validation step dates in the TP/TO approval process

8 April 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 8 : STF web applications

  • Timesheet improvement:
    • Timesheet list for STF Leader:
      • Display leader own timesheet and timesheets to be validated
      • the tick box “to be validated” has been added in the filter bar
    • Filter by period available
    • Timesheet list sorted by period and by expert alphabetical order
    • Remaining per contract:
      • experts can have an overview of the all days worked and contracted on all their contracts.
      • Feature available through Reporting>Remaining per contract
    • Total per line timesheet line available
    • Update of list of experts in the alphabetical order of their names (home page and reporting list)

1 April 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 7 : STF web applications

  • Timesheet improvement:
    • Display of the task description
    • Days with the status “PLANNED” can be updated when they are passed.
    • List of experts appears in the alphabetical order of their names (home page and reporting list)
    • Conservation of the filtered timesheets list when click on back button
    • Correction of the total timesheet days in the timesheet list
  • STF and TB portlets’ improvement:
    • Alignment of the STF search engine
    • Active STFs displayed by default
    • Dedicated button to access [STFs Archives]

26 March 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 6 : Contribution

  • Enhancements:
    • "Full View" Improved used of filters
    • “Full View”, “Quick Access”: List of Meetings and/or Communities (groups) only loaded when expanded

19 February 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 5 : Timesheet and Online Application Form

  • Improvement:
    • Timesheet: reporting display.
    • Online Application Form: organization activity field length increased.

04 February 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 4 : Voting tool

  • Enhancements:
    • Voting tool unified for TB, GA and BOARD.
    • Includes single sign-on from the portal.
    • Ability for a voting contact to vote for all companies he/she's contact for.
    • Reviewed display of results

21 January 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 3 : Timesheet

  • Enhancement:
    • Timesheet loading performance improvement.

12 January 2015 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 2 : Release of the ETSI STF application set

  • Enhancements:
    • Upgrade of the STF Time Allocation Management (Timesheets).
    • Upgrade of the STF Travel management.
    • New Call for Experts (CfE) application available.
    • STF portlet layout and content update.

30 June 2014 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 2 : Menu bar

  • Maintenance:
    • Menu bar has been updated

30 April 2014 - ETSI Portal 2.1 Build 1 : Password Management & Standards Search

  • Enhancements:
    • Publication Download Area menu has been removed. Standards search shall now be done from ETSI web site
    • News Portlet added to TB home page and Portal home page
    • Change Password and Reset Password modules enhanced

11 February 2014 - ETSI Portal 2.0: Tabbed display

  • Enhancements:
    • Display of applications in separate tabs
      • Home (General information, Email archives, Officials, STF)
      • Meetings
      • Contributions
      • Work Programme (WI monitoring, WPHV)
      • Drafts (Latest drafts)
      • Remote Consensus
      • Actions

6 February 2013 NGPP 1.5 Build 1: Contributions enhancements

  • Enhancements:
    • Reworked portlet to allow more efficient sorting and filtering options.
      • Default sort order changed to Reservation date descending
      • Ability to sort by all columns
      • Ability to include or not the Working Groups
      • Ability to filter by year
    • Contribution details view
      • Ability to navigate through list of contributions
      • Ability to step to another contribution by searching for its UID
    • Enhanced upload control
    • Various minor User Interface modifications.
  • Maintenance:
    • Remote Consensus: Increased font size in notifications
    • Meeting calendar: iCal adapted to 3GPP meetings
    • Meeting calendar: Popup to confirm un-registration from portlet
    • Meeting calendar: Ability to download GA Specific CSV for GA Meetings

4 February 2013 - NGPP 1.4 Build 6: Remote Consensus enhancements

  • Enhancements:
    • Reworked notification messages, to be more readable/useful.
    • Reworked portlet to display information on each contribution in remote consensuses.
    • Various minor User Interface & state machine modifications.

9 January 2013 - NGPP 1.4 Build 5: Meeting Calendar enhancements

  • Enhancements:
    • Rework of the meeting calendar portlet
    • Rework of the registration information
    • Integration of different meeting types (face-to-face, conferences or both)
    • New link to Advanced query on the portlet
  • Introduction of new features:
    • Easy upload of the meeting invitations and details
    • Ability for external users to register to meetings (if allowed by meeting settings)
    • Management of participants presence type and status
    • Handling of registration of non-ETSI members
    • iCal reminders to add meetings to mail client calendars
    • Ability to send emails to registered participants via the application

3 October 2012 NGPP 1.4 Build 4: New Work Item & Latest Drafts enhancements

  • Enhancements on the New Work Item proposal
    • Dynamic check of the Work Item proposal. New feature on the top right corner of the proposal to check automatically if NWI proposal is complete (mouse over with instructions).
    • Deliverable type is now a mandatory field to create the NWI proposal.
    • PWI reference number is simplified to "PWI_TBName_YY_sequencenumber_version".
    • The requested WI reference field is automatically pre-filled with the next number available.
    • Possibility to make available the NWI proposal in 1 click when complete.
    • Possibility to progress accepted WIs on WG level to the TB parent for approval in 1 click.
    • Autocomplete menu for the Rapporteur field.
  • Enhancements on the Latest Drafts application
    • Automatic path attribution for the first draft version.
    • Draft tab in the contribution contains the Work Item details.
    • Progress bar while drafts download.
    • Ability to contritube uplaoded draft in 1 click.
    • Expandable list of all versions for Work Items with more than one version.
    • Possibility to erase non-contributed versions from the portlet (staff reserved).

14 April 2012 - NGPP 1.4 Build 3: Access Control & State Machine enhancements

  • Simplification of Access Rights

Any user can now EDIT, UPLOAD or REVISE a contribution even if he's not its main contact. In such a case, a notification e-mail is sent to the main contact.

  • Navigation enhancements

Upon login, the user is not redirected to the portal home page anymore but stays on current page.

  • State Machine modifications

It is now possible to withdraw a Revised contribution.

  • Remote Consensus notifications

In notifications, hyperlinks were added to point to contribution details.

29 February 2012 NGPP 1.4 Build 2: New features added to the contribution application

  • Late contribution threshold

This feature allows to flag as "Late" any contribution reserved or uploaded after a defined Late Threshold Date. This information only exists for contribution allocated to a meeting.

  • Block Reservation

Contribution "Block Reservation" is a functionality that allows to pre-reserve a range of contributions for a targeted meeting by re-using and copying the general fields/information (title, source, …) of existing contributions from previous meetings. This will typically be used when TB meetings have a recurring pattern for their first n contributions (invitation, agenda, IPR call, Status of WPM, WG reports, etc).

  • VIP Mode

Only active TB support staff and active Officials of the concerned TB have Write access to the Contribution objects of a community for which the "VIP mode" has been enabled, other users have Read access only i.e. Board and General Assembly.

30 November 2011 - NGPP 1.4 Build 1: Additional enhancements to the Contribution application

  • Evolution of the Contribution numbering scheme

Starting from 2012 contributions and for contributions created in 2011 and attached to a 2012 meeting the new numbering scheme will be as the following:

                                               TBName(YY)XXXZZZ --> <CommunityId>(YY)<MeetingID><contribSeqNb>

Meeting ID: optional can be defined to reflect the Meeting reference. Otherwise for the Comittees who wish to keep the yearly contributions numbering scheme, THEN the XXX will be set to 000


IF Meeting ID defined THEN starts at 1 until last contribution linked to this meeting is reserved and/or <ReservationEndDate> is reached

IF Meeting ID not defined THEN the contribution numbering system takes over and allocates an automatic yearly numbering scheme

  • Contributions can be assigned to several meetings
  • Contributions assigned to a meeting and postponed to another meeting will keep its UID origin
  • Possibility to set Reservation Start and End Dates with the option to block upload outside of the reservation range
  • The Contribution File Name can now be changed in the contribution detailed view.

20 October 2011 - NGPP 1.3 Build 5: Ergonomics enhancements

Changes to the portal screen

  • New contribution link allows to choose the type from the portlet
  • A new search box allows you to enter text and perform search on titles, contacts, and sources of the contributions.

Contribution list Main Screen

  • New quick access panel divided in 3 parts
    • Access to saved queries
    • Access to contributions which have been linked to recent, on-going and future meetings
    • Access to contributions associated to preferred committees
  • NEW: Simple/Advanced search panels
  • UPDATED: Enhanced contribution list
    • Statuses and UID are now displayed in different colours depending on their status
    • The most usual actions are now displayed as Icons
  • UPDATED: “New contribution” button which unfolds allowing to choose the type of contribution

Contribution details Windows

  • Reviewed to match with the look and feel of the contribution cover page
  • The main contact for a contribution is now a single person and you can retrieve his contact details by clicking on the link.
  • The related WIs tab has been replaced by in line information display..